Fascia in Manual Therapy

FMT - Fascia in Manual Therapy is a body treatment and rehab concept based around the idea of including the fascia systems into manual therapy. Structural alignment of a persons posture is largely facilitated by including specific treatments of corresponding connective tissue. The techniques used in FMT are derived from methods like Osteopathy, Cranio Therapy, Rolfing, ShinTai and Shiastu. The techniques can be applied to both deep and superficial tissue and can be easily integrated into existing treatment methods and processes. Including the fascia systems into manual therapy helps the body to reconfigure itself and gain freedom of movement, which helps improve the body's resonance and vibration capacity.

FMT - Training is a training method developed by Vojislav Anicic to specifically target structural corrections of the body and for rehabilitation and posture correction in particular. Special training exercises target problematic articulations and their corresponding connective tissue. Strength and corrective exercises are applied to correct misaligned articulations and problems like Scoliosis, limitations in movement or protective posture habits. All exercises are modified specifically to a person's problem, situation and physical abilities. FMT Training is a highly personalised and very effective training method for people of every age. All programs and exercises are specifically tailored to a persons physical requirements and rehab goals.

SHIATSU - Shiatsu is a Japanese treatment method that uses acupressure points and meridians to balance the flow of energy in the body. An imbalance of energy in the body can create all sorts of problems. Headaches, digestion problems, back pain or limitations in movement. Shiatsu can help relax the body and reactivate self-healing mechanisms. It also increases the body awareness and encourages people to listen to themselves and act on signals they receive from their body.

Practice for Shiatsu & FMT Basel

Vojislav Anicic runs a practice for Shiatsu & FMT - Fascia in Manual Therapy in Basel City. Appointments can be arranged upon request.

Practice address is:

Ausrichtung + Körperarbeit, c/o Dominik Bärlocher, Stänzlergasse 7, CH - 4051 Basel

Please use my contact page to contact me for a consultation or a training session. Thank you for your interest.

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Courses 2023